Expert Method for Bulk Conversion of PST to EML File Format

Expert Method for Bulk Conversion of PST to EML File Format

The most common file formats among users are PST and EML, due to their perks and advantages. One can save all of the Outlook mailbox data, including item kinds, folder structure, and settings, while the other may store individual emails. As a result, it is possible that many people are seeking for a way to convert PST files to EML file format in order to precisely manage email messages. If you wish to export PST files to EML or EMLX file format, this blog article will provide you with a thorough and accurate answer.

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Find Out More About EML and PST Files

PST, an abbreviation for Personal Storage Table, is a popular file format developed by Microsoft Outlook for Windows. It can save email messages, contacts, calendars, tasks, notes, and diaries. PST files are compatible with all versions of MS Outlook, including 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021.

EML files are highly sophisticated and widely supported file extensions for storing individual email messages from various email clients such as Apple Mail, Thunderbird, WLM, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Sea Monkey, and others. Saving email content also saves additional message data such as To, From, Bcc, Body, and attachments.

Step 1: Why Would Users Want to Convert PST Files to EML?

There are several reasons why users should convert PST files to EML or EMLX file format.
Still, a few of the most common advantages are:

1. EML is a widely adaptable file format, but PST can only be used with MS Outlook on Windows.

2. PST can save all mailbox objects, however, EML files can only store individual emails.

3. To access the PST files, you need a Windows desktop, laptop, or computer. In contrast, an EML file is globally compatible and may be accessed in any operating system or device.

4. PST is a huge data file. However, the EML file is modest in size since it can only store a single email message.

Several manual techniques promise to give a full solution for converting Outlook PST files to EML file format, but they are only practical under certain situations. So, it is preferable for you to get an accurate and direct solution to your question of how to convert PST files to EML file format.

Step 2: A Direct Method to Convert PST Files to EML Format

As previously stated, there are no manual techniques for converting Outlook PST emails to the EML or EMLX file format. As a result, it is recommended to employ an alternative option, such as a third-party program. As a result, we propose that you use the PST to EML Converter Tool, which allows users to convert batches of PST files to EML format without losing any data.

The software can convert single and many Outlook data files (.pst) to EML file format. The application also allows users to import PST files into several email clients such as Apple Mail, Outlook Express, and The Bat.

How Can I Convert a PST to EML?

Follow the Steps to Convert PST File to EML Without Outlook

1. Get PST to EML Converter.
2. Add PST file.
3. Navigate to the preview of the PST file and choose the items to export.
4. Select EML format and specify output location.
5. Click the Convert Now button to begin the conversion process.

Why opt for This PST-to-EML Tool Rather Than Another?

The program has capabilities that allow you to easily do various conversion operations.

1. Converts PST files to EML format.

2. PST files may be exported to include contacts, emails, calendars, tasks, diaries, and other data.

3. Convert multiple PST files to EML format

4. Using this tool, users may convert password-protected PST files to EML format.

5. Support PST files from all Outlook versions, including 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, and so on.


When we talk about saving our data in any file format, we always assume that we can save our mailbox data in a file that is compatible with numerous email clients and can be quickly opened to examine its contents. So, if you also wish to convert PST files to EML or EMLX, the recommended third-party solution is superior and more precise.